Randal Kolo Muani is close to a loan deal with Juventus Turin until the end of the season, except that Paris Saint-Germain have hit an administrative hurdle with the loan limit reached. A solution is therefore being sought for the departure of the 26-year-old striker from the French national team. Several media outlets have confirmed that this has already been done, with the contract of Juan Bernat, who was on loan at Villarreal, having been terminated.
I dettagli:https://t.co/ZcXCE12Lc2
— Gianluca Di Marzio (@DiMarzio) January 22, 2025
Le PSG A VENDU BERNAT a Villarreal !
Juventus, tout est réglé pour Kolo Muani : l’officialisation arrivée !
Di Marzio pic.twitter.com/webDrsuKzx
— ParisSG INFOS (@Paris_sginfos) January 22, 2025
Comme annoncé par @Tanziloic, le club a bien résilié le contrat de Juan Bernat pour pouvoir prêter Randal à la Juve
— Djamel (@Djaameel_) January 22, 2025
Juan Bernat n’est plus un joueur du #PSG. Il a terminé son contrat avec le club de la capitale. L’Espagnol a signé ensuite un contrat de six mois avec Villarreal. Ce qui permet donc à Randal Kolo Muani de pouvoir être officiellement un joueur de la Juventus #Mercato
— Loïc Tanzi (@Tanziloic) January 22, 2025
At the same time, everyone agrees that it would be very strange if it were random. PSG should therefore be well out of the impasse without a big loss, since there was no hope of a major sale with Bernat.