After Wednesday’s benchmark match against Manchester City, Paris Saint-Germain hosted Stade de Reims on Saturday evening for the 19th day of Ligue 1. And it was against a team with a very low block that the Rouge et Bleu stumbled, conceding a draw (1-1, video highlights PSG/Reims). Lucas Hernandez, a defender with the club de la capitale, spoke to DAZN about the difficulties of the match, and the fatigue he had accumulated.
Hernandez: “I think we deserved the draw”.
How did you feel about the match?
It’s true that it wasn’t an easy game. They played their game well, defensively they did it well. What we lacked was depth and a better use of the flanks. It wasn’t an easy game and I think we deserved the draw. We’re now focused on Wednesday’s game, and it’s very important to recover well to follow it up. It’s going to be a very important game for us.
How have you been feeling since your return?
It’s never easy when you come back from a big injury like that. But I try to give it my all every game. Some games I feel better, some games I feel worse. The most important thing is to keep on playing and get my legs back to where they were before. Little by little, I’m going to get back to my best.
“It’s up to us to continue the work we did on Wednesday next week in Stuttgart.
Was Wednesday’s match against Manchester City a benchmark?
It was a great game for the whole team. Especially here at home with our fans, it was a memorable evening. Now it’s up to us to continue the work we did on Wednesday next week in Stuttgart. It’s going to be a vital game for us, and of course we’re going to recover well for Wednesday and face the match in the best possible way.