A short while ago, Kylian Mbappé embarked on a communication and seduction operation concerning his link with Paris Saint-Germain. In a video for his current club’s media, the 26-year-old striker, who reached the end of his contract last summer, slipped in a phrase that rather reminds us that there are tensions beyond the famous financial dispute.
Kylian Mbappé: “2022? I didn’t really like it this year, because I was playing for PSG [laughs] and I played against Real Madrid!”
It’s not much, just a laughable phrase. But it was possible to avoid a dig at PSG. Especially when it concerns the year in which he signed his contract extension, when Real Madrid were already on the lookout.
But with Mbappé, we’re used to using nice phrases to please. Some Madrid fans will have appreciated this statement. Except that it’s difficult to please everyone.
Here, the striker could simply have said that he didn’t enjoy playing against Real Madrid. We would have understood, especially given the outcome. Except that he wanted to seduce. Even if it meant forgetting respect. A real class act.